How to activate noise cancelling on Sennheiser HD 4.50?


Sennheiser HD 4.50 provides more sound output than many other expensive headphones. It supports the user to get maximum clear and audible sound. The built-in noise-guard technology works excellently to cancel all background sound. But how to activate noise cancelling on Sennheiser HD 4.5?

Activated noise cancelling makes the headphone sounds more precise and impressive. But, activating the noise-guard feature is a tricky process. You can’t enjoy the best sound output without knowing the right activating process.

This guide will explain how to turn on noise cancelling on Sennheiser 4.50. So, let’s read next to explore!

What does noise-guard technology mean?

how to turn on noise cancelling on Sennheiser 4.50

Noise-guard technology is an outstanding way to block surrounding sounds. There are tiny microphones inside the Sennheiser headphones. Those tiny mics can receive low-frequency sound from the close of the ears. And this low frequency will produce opposite sound waves later.

Your Sennheiser headphone can automatically cancel the background sounds. Besides, setting up noise cancellation allows for more music and call recording tuning. So, it doesn’t matter whether you travel on a train or plane; you will hear undisturbed and audible sounds.

The ways of turning on the noise-guard feature

It is possible to activate the noise-cancelling feature when your smartphone is connected to headphones via cable or Bluetooth. Let’s know two individual processes.

Noise-guard activate and deactivate for Bluetooth connection:

Press on the plus and minus buttons of your Sennheiser headphone simultaneously. Wait until the 3 purple color LEDs light up. When you see three purple lights, make sure that the noise-guard is active.

Noise-guard activate and deactivate for audio cable connection:

Press on the power button of your Sennheiser headphones for a few seconds. This will allow the noise guard for toggles between on and off. If you notice blue LED lights up, make sure that the noise-guard is active.

How to activate noise cancelling on Sennheiser HD 4.50

Important things to know about noise-cancelling features

Knowing some crucial factors can help you get maximum advantages from noise-guard technology. Let’s know the factors

  • Note that noise-cancelling activation isn’t important in a calm environment. In a quiet environment, Sennheiser’s passive isolation features work enough to reduce background noise.
  • You must activate the noise cancelling function to block the continuous and uniform noise. For example, a noise-guard can effectively reduce the motor and fan noise.
  • Although it can eliminate high-frequency noise, but can’t completely block
  • Turn off the headphone for sometimes if you notice unexpected whistling and beeping
  • Must use headphone ear cups as proper fit with your ears. Otherwise, you might not get the best ANC
  • Keeps free the microphone opening to keep free the ANC circuitry

How does Sennheiser 4.50 noise technology work?

How does Sennheiser 4.50 noise technology work

Sennheiser 4.50 is naturally good for noise cancelling because of its closed-cup design. Moreover, the noise-guard technology makes it more impressive to block surrounding noise.

Sennheiser uses tiny mics and speakers to reduce surrounding sound. That tiny microphone can receive low-frequency sound to prevent background noise. This technology is generally used in over-ear headphones like Sennheiser.

Does an active noise-guard affect battery performance?

Yes, an active noise-guard can affect battery performance. A full-charged Sennheiser battery can perform up to 25 hours with only Bluetooth. If you turn on the noise-guard, this full-charged battery may last 19 hours. So, your activated noise guard can take around 6 hours.

So, it is important to know when you need to activate the noise guard and when not. The Circumneutral design of Sennheiser headphones can provide passive isolation in a calm environment. So, you aren’t required to active noise guard in a calm environment.

Is an active noise cancellation bad for hearing?

Active noise cancellation is not harmful to hearing. Noise-guard is designed in such a way that it can produce an even and opposite sound wave. So, this technology can block all sounds that aren’t-doesn’t produced by the microphone. So, ANC doesn’t impact hearing. Rather, it improves your hearing.

Read : Best Budget Sennheiser Headphones

Final Words:

We hope this article helped you to know “how to activate noise cancelling on Sennheiser HD 4.50. You can active noise-cancelling on your headphones’ Bluetooth and audio cable connection. ANC can lose battery charge. So, don’t activate the noise-cancelling when it isn’t required. Remember to fit the headphone earcups to get the best performance from the ANC technology.

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